A tastier guide to vegan recipes that are easy and quick to do

If you are on your health journey and tired of the meaty dishes which you want to replace with something vibrant, then you have millions of options to explore. You can easily switch to vegan foods with the same content level of calories and health benefits or even more healthy calories than in meat. If you live in the US you are lucky to have millions of food and beverage options to try. From meat to vegan the journey might not be an easy one but, finding different and interesting options can make it easy for you. The healthy drink options of yfood UK are better than the junk options available that slow the body mechanisms and cause obesity.

There are different homemade recipes options for you to try at home and make a healthy meal plan for your healthy diet. Here are a few of the vegan food options to try to switch to a more salubrious lifestyle.

· Lentil bolognese pasta

Lentils are high in fiber content and pasta contains carbohydrates that are good for physical health and mental fitness. Try the plant-based lentil bolognese pasta with a creamy topping or garnishing with your favorite herbs to try the healthier alternative for meaty dishes with more calorie content. It is a good meal choice for the whole family to try. Carbohydrates and potential vitamins and minerals are better substitutes for unhealthy junk.

· Roasted Potato

Roasted potato and cauliflower with the garnish of spices and lemon make a tempting dish for you. With the zest of lemon, you can make your baking dishes tastier with healthy nutritional content. Potatoes contain healthy carbohydrates and vitamins that will help you in losing weight. You can include this recipe in your healthy meal plan for either dinner or lunch to constitute the health benefits of minerals and vitamins.

· Chicken biryani

Chicken Biryani is a well-known Asian dish with rice and spiced chicken so famous in almost every region of the world. The healthy ingredients and the spices make it more attractive and can be incorporated into your lunch or dinner once a week. Rice helps in maintaining a healthy weight and improves the digestive system. You can add potatoes to the dish to make it tastier and wholesome.

· Bombay Burritos

Bombay Burritos is a famous Indian dish with the wholesome taste of chickpeas, cauliflower, mint chutney, pickled onions wrapped in bread made of whole wheat. It is a fuller and healthier substitute for junk food and meaty dishes with added benefits of the Indian spices and vegetables wrapped in bread made with healthy carbohydrates making it a better diet option to include in your vegan meal plan.


There are hundreds of food options to explore in the world of spices and vegan food apart from the conventional addition of meat in every other dish. If you are not a fan of meat items, you can search the UK websites to explore tasty alternatives from different regions across the world and enjoy a healthier food lifestyle with unique susceptibilities.